読みたい本が他キャンパス図書館にあることがわかりました。予約して所属キャンパスに取り寄せることはできますか。 / I have found that a book that I want to read is stored in the university library located on the other campus. Can I make a reservation for the book and have it sent to the library in the campus where I study?
取り寄せ / order
Books can be reserved and sent between the Shinagawa Campus Main Library and the Etchujima Campus Branch Library.
【予約方法 / How to make a reservation for a book】
Books can be reserved and sent between the Shinagawa Campus Main Library and the Etchujima Campus Branch Library.
【予約方法 / How to make a reservation for a book】
- MyLibraryにログインして予約してください。
- 利用可能になりましたら、メール連絡いたします。
- 返却はいずれの図書館でも可能です。
- Log in to MyLibrary to make a reservation.
- When the book you request becomes available, you will receive an e-mail.
- You can return the book at either of the libraries.
【注意 / Caution】
- OPAC検索結果の所蔵情報「予約」欄にアイコンのある資料に予約できます。
- 「予約」のアイコンが表示されていない資料に予約したい場合は、カウンターでお尋ねください。
- 予約しておくことができるのは10冊までです。
- You can make a reservation for a book if the reservation icon is indicated in the reservation column on the OPAC screen that shows the search results for the book.
- If you want to reserve a material for which no icon is indicated in the reservation column, please contact the library counter.
- You can make a reservation for up to 10 books.
海洋大で見つからない本は取り寄せできるのですか。 / Can I request a book that is not available at the TUMSAT libraries?
取り寄せ / order
You can make a request for materials owned by other libraries.
Please make a request via MyLibrary.
Please make a request via MyLibrary.
メニュー: 利用者サービス → 文献複写・貸借申込み
Menu: User service → Request for a copy/Request for a book
Menu: User service → Request for a copy/Request for a book
■他図書館(大学図書館、国立国会図書館)等 / Other libraries (university libraries, National Diet Library and others)
- 往復送料は実費負担となります。
- 公費で依頼する場合は研究費からの振替になります。
- 学生が公費で依頼する場合は、必ず指導教員の了解を得てください。
- The delivery fees (to borrow and return the material) shall be paid by the borrower.
- If the delivery fees are paid by the university, it shall be funded from the research budget.
- If you are a student and request for a book at the cost of the university, you must obtain your teacher's approval for this beforehand.
■連携図書館 / Partner libraries
You can request a book from Minato City Libraries and Koto City Libraries without the need to pay the delivery fees.
- You can also visit the partner libraries to borrow books directly from them.
- We will also investigate whether the book that you need is available at any of the libraries near your residence. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding this.
Library Guidance for
your research support.
X(旧: Twitter)
— 東京海洋大学附属図書館 (@tumsat_library) June 17, 2024
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