
OPACで検索して読みたい本が海洋大にあったのですが、その本はどこにあるのですか。 / Among the books owned by TUMSAT, I have found one that I want to read in the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). Where can I find the book?

Please check the Location, Call No. and status of the book indicated on the OPAC screen.
■配架場所 / Location
Please check the location of the book indicated on the OPAC screen.
  • 図書館(品) → 品川キャンパス図書館にあります
  • 図・2Fフロア(越) → 越中島キャンパス図書館にあります
  • ※「○○学」「○○論」等の表示の場合は、研究室(講座)所蔵図書です。原則として利用できません。
  • Library (Shinagawa) → You will find the book at the Main Library on the Shinagawa Campus.
  • 2F, Library (Etchujima) →You will find the book at the Branch Library in the Etchujima Campus.
  • Note: Note: You can't borrow books owned by the university laboratories.

■請求記号 / Call No.
The Call No. is labelled on the spine of each book.
In the library, books are organized in the order of the Call No.

■状態 / Status
Please check if the book is "on loan" or not.