





※ この手続きは、学生証自体を更新するものではありません。


【 対象者 】


【 必要書類 】


【 申請場所 】


【 受付期間 】


【 受付日時 】
月~金 9:00-11:30, 13:00-16:30


※ 申請時点で延滞資料のある方は、手続きをすることができません。

※ MyLibraryについては、内部進学予定の方は4月1日(月)以降新しい学籍番号のデータに上書きされるため、現在のID・PWでは利用できなくなります。




If you are planning to graduate this year, the expiration date of your library usage is until March 31th (Mon.).

Among you, we will try the procedure for extending the expiration date of your library usage for those who go on to an internal school, etc. and continue to use the library.

If you are eligible, please follow the instructions below to apply.

It is possible to temporarily extend the expiration date of library usage until a new student ID card is issued.
* This procedure does not renew your student ID card.


[ Target ]
Those who are confirmed to be enrolled after April due to internal advancement etc.

[ Documents required ]
・Student ID card (or identification card that can be used to verify your identity)
・Documents that can prove that you will go on to an internal school (or be enrolled after April) such as a letter of acceptance


[ Reception period ]
Shinagawa: January 28 (Tue.) to March 31 (Mon.)
Etchujima: February 1 (Sat.) to March 28 (Fri.)


[ Reception date and time ]
Mon. - Fri. 9:00-11:30, 13:00-16:30


* If you have overdue books at the time of application, you will not be able to complete the procedure.

* Regarding MyLibrary, those who go on to an internal school will not be able to use it with their current ID/PW as it will be overwritten with the new student number data after April 1st.

If you have any questions, please inquire from the inquiry form.