本を借りるにはどうすればいいですか。 / How do I borrow a book from the university libraries?
In order to borrow a book from the libraries, students need to present their student ID card while faculty members and those who are not affiliated with the university need to present a library card issued by a library.
Please bring the book you want to borrow to the library counter, present your student ID card or library card, and follow the necessary procedures at the counter.
At the Main Library in the Shinagawa Campus, you can use an automatic machine to borrow and return books.
返却期限の延長はできますか。 / Can I extend the borrowing period?
「禁帯出」シールが貼ってある本は借りられないのですか。 / Is it possible to borrow a book which is labelled "In-library use only?"
- 翌開館日の午前10時まで
- 冊数制限なし
- By 10:00 a.m. on the next opening day
- No limit to the number of the books
OPACで検索して読みたい本が海洋大にあったのですが、その本はどこにあるのですか。 / Among the books owned by TUMSAT, I have found one that I want to read in the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). Where can I find the book?
Please check the Location, Call No. and status of the book indicated on the OPAC screen.
Please check the location of the book indicated on the OPAC screen.
- 図書館(品) → 品川キャンパス図書館にあります
- 図・2Fフロア(越) → 越中島キャンパス図書館にあります
- ※「○○学」「○○論」等の表示の場合は、研究室(講座)所蔵図書です。原則として利用できません。
- Library (Shinagawa) → You will find the book at the Main Library on the Shinagawa Campus.
- 2F, Library (Etchujima) →You will find the book at the Branch Library in the Etchujima Campus.
- Note: Note: You can't borrow books owned by the university laboratories.
■請求記号 / Call No.
The Call No. is labelled on the spine of each book.
In the library, books are organized in the order of the Call No.
■状態 / Status
読みたい本が他キャンパス図書館にあることがわかりました。予約して所属キャンパスに取り寄せることはできますか。 / I have found that a book that I want to read is stored in the university library located on the other campus. Can I make a reservation for the book and have it sent to the library in the campus where I study?
Books can be reserved and sent between the Shinagawa Campus Main Library and the Etchujima Campus Branch Library.
【予約方法 / How to make a reservation for a book】
- MyLibraryにログインして予約してください。
- 利用可能になりましたら、メール連絡いたします。
- 返却はいずれの図書館でも可能です。
- Log in to MyLibrary to make a reservation.
- When the book you request becomes available, you will receive an e-mail.
- You can return the book at either of the libraries.
【注意 / Caution】
- OPAC検索結果の所蔵情報「予約」欄にアイコンのある資料に予約できます。
- 「予約」のアイコンが表示されていない資料に予約したい場合は、カウンターでお尋ねください。
- 予約しておくことができるのは10冊までです。
- You can make a reservation for a book if the reservation icon is indicated in the reservation column on the OPAC screen that shows the search results for the book.
- If you want to reserve a material for which no icon is indicated in the reservation column, please contact the library counter.
- You can make a reservation for up to 10 books.
海洋大で見つからない本は取り寄せできるのですか。 / Can I request a book that is not available at the TUMSAT libraries?
Please make a request via MyLibrary.
Menu: User service → Request for a copy/Request for a book
■他図書館(大学図書館、国立国会図書館)等 / Other libraries (university libraries, National Diet Library and others)
- 往復送料は実費負担となります。
- 公費で依頼する場合は研究費からの振替になります。
- 学生が公費で依頼する場合は、必ず指導教員の了解を得てください。
- The delivery fees (to borrow and return the material) shall be paid by the borrower.
- If the delivery fees are paid by the university, it shall be funded from the research budget.
- If you are a student and request for a book at the cost of the university, you must obtain your teacher's approval for this beforehand.
■連携図書館 / Partner libraries
- You can also visit the partner libraries to borrow books directly from them.
- We will also investigate whether the book that you need is available at any of the libraries near your residence. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding this.
読みたい本が貸出中だったので予約をしました。もし、借りている人が延長を希望した場合、「予約」と「延長」のどちらが優先されるのですか。 / The book that I want to read is on loan, so I made a reservation for the book. However, if the person who is borrowing the book requests for an extension of the borrowing period, which will be prioritized, the reservation or the request?
Your reservation will be prioritized.
When the book is returned to the library and available to you, you will receive an e-mail.
予約した本が届くまでどのくらい時間がかかりますか。 / How long does it take for me to receive the book for which I have made a reservation?
本のリクエストはどのような手続をすればよいのですか。 / What procedures do I need to follow to make a request for a book?
Menu: User service → Student's request for a book
CiNiiは自宅でも使えますか。検索できる範囲を教えてください。 / Can I use "CiNii" also at home? Where can I use these search engines?
■CiNii Research
You can search for theses and articles published in magazines and research papers published in Japan.
You can access the electronic journals that are disclosed for free.
■CiNii Dissertations
You can search for Japanese doctoral theses.
— 東京海洋大学附属図書館 (@tumsat_library) June 17, 2024
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